"Cook the Book" Intro

"Cook the Book" is a book group hosted by the Belleville Area District Library. It gives patrons a number of weeks to try recipes from 4-5 theme related cookbooks. Besides our scheduled live discussion meeting, we are providing a blogging platform for continuous discussion, postings of tried recipes, tips & tricks, etc.

For new / current members who are interested in following or contributing to the blog, here is a little explanation of the blog's layout:

Along the upper tabs of the landing page: 
  • Next to the "Cook the Book" Intro tab, will include the title of our current session. That page will include an session introduction post, plus 4-5 cookbook posts, where members can input their recipe reviews under specific cookbooks.  
  • The next tab will include information on future sessions, which will include dates, decided themes, and polls (themes and cookbooks recommendations).
  • Final tab New Recipes?, is a page to post any non-cookbook group related recipes that you found so good you had to share.  

Along the right of the landing page: 
  • Author introductory profile
  • Followers: click to be alerted of any updates to the blog
  • Past Themes: where you can view and review any past session cookbooks.  

Thank you all for joining this book group.
 In the mean time, feel free to introduce yourselves in the comment box below!
(You will need to sign-up or log-in using one of the provided services to comment)


  1. Hello,
    My name is Theresa Spiteri-Zaidel. I am the current host of the "Cook the Book" book group as well as one of your Adult Services Librarian at the Belleville Area District Library. Now a little about myself. I have been married for 3 years (in relationship 10+), I am a mom to a 2 year old little girl, and to two 6 year old Siberian huskies. My current knowledge of food I give credit to my husband who had assisted in expanding my knowledge of food. Now 10 + years later, I regularly try new recipes from a variety of old and new cookbooks. Of which, during the winter 2019, I expanded my culinary knowledge into baking breads (not much desserts yet). So far my little girl has been cooperative with the new dishes (knock on wood). I am looking forward to trying new recipes from our various theme related cookbooks and hearing everyone's personal experiences at trying some new recipes.


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